Getting Help

24 Hour Crisis & Support Line

Housing Support


AWAIC offers several programs to help survivors transition into independent living and find safe, permanent housing.  If you need emergency safe shelter, please call AWAIC’s 24-hour crisis and support line at (907) 272-0100.

Transitional Housing Program

AWAIC’s on-site transitional living facility is called Harmony House.

  • Low-cost housing for women with no dependent children for up to 18 months
  • Apartment-style housing that accommodates up to 10 women
  • The Harmony House case manager works with participants individually and as a group, providing support to help you move closer towards independent living

Permanent Housing Programs

AWAIC has two permanent housing programs, Moving Forward and Reclaiming Hope.

  • Both programs are for survivors who have become homeless or displaced by domestic violence in the last 6 months
  • Case managers from each program will work with you to find safe, permanent housing and build healthy, safe lives
  • Partial rental assistance for up to 6 months and additional support for up to a year

Get Back On Your Feet

AWAIC has several programs aimed at helping survivors of domestic violence build healthy, safe lives and make the transition to independent living.

Case Management

All survivors at AWAIC’s emergency safe shelter receive individualized case management. Our case managers also support survivors and their families who don’t require emergency shelter but may need assistance in other areas.

Mental Healthcare

Many domestic violence survivors struggle with anxiety, PTSD, or depression. AWAIC has a trauma-informed clinician who can help you work through these mental health issues and provide referrals if needed.

Education & Support Groups

Education and support groups play a crucial role in AWAIC’s commitment to providing aid and guidance. Our extensive selection of topics caters to the unique needs of survivors, ensuring assistance and support for all.

Legal Advocacy Services

AWAIC provides vital aid to individuals affected by domestic violence, offering extensive assistance and unwavering support. Our team of legal advocates is dedicated to guiding you, ensuring you receive the support you need.